7 stages of game development

What are the 7 stages of game development?

Have you ever wondered how your favorite video game is made? Or what goes into developing a video game from start to finish? The process of game development can be broken down into seven distinct stages: pre-production, production, post-production, alpha, beta, gold, and release. In this blog post, we will explore each stage in detail so that you have a better understanding of the game development process.

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Ideation is the first stage of game development, and it’s when the game’s concept is created. This is usually done by a small team of developers who brainstorm ideas and come up with a basic premise for the game. Once the concept is finalized, it’s then time to start developing the game itself.


Pre-production is the first stage of game development, and it’s when the game is conceptualized and created. This is when the game’s design, mechanics, and story are all decided upon. Pre-production can also include prototyping, which is when a prototype of the game is created to test out its concepts.


The first stage of game development is production. This is when the game is designed and created. The production stage can take a long time, depending on the size and complexity of the game.

During production, the game’s designers work out how the game will look and play. They create concepts and prototypes and test them to see if they’re fun and challenging. Once the design is finalized, the rest of the development team can start creating the game.

The production stage can be divided into two parts: pre-production and post-production. Pre-production is when the game’s design is created. Post-production is when the game is coded, tested, and polished.


There are four main stages of game development: alpha, beta, release candidate, and gold.

During the alpha stage, game developers are still working on the game’s core mechanics and features. This is the earliest stage of development, and it can be very unstable. The game’s audio and visual assets are also usually placeholder at this stage. Alpha versions of games are usually only available to a small group of testers or people who have signed non-disclosure agreements.

The beta stage is when the game starts to take shape. Most of the core features are implemented, and the game is starting to become playable. However, there may still be some bugs and crashes. Beta versions of games are often released to a wider group of testers than alpha versions.

The release candidate stage is when the game is considered “feature complete.” That means all the planned features for the game are implemented, and the developers are now focusing on ironing out any remaining bugs. Release candidates are usually only available to people who have pre-ordered the game or signed up for a beta test.

Finally, there’s the gold stage. This is when the game is considered finished and ready for release. All the bugs should be fixed, and all the audio and visual assets should be finalized.


In the software development process, beta is the second phase after alpha. It usually begins when the software is feature complete. During the beta phase, users test the software to identify any remaining bugs or usability issues. Beta testing can be done internally by employees of the company developing the software, or externally by independent testers. Once all issues have been addressed, the software is released to the public as a finished product.


The first stage of game development is the release stage. In this stage, the game is released to the public. This can be done through a variety of channels, such as online stores, physical stores, or even through social media. The release stage is important because it is the first time that players will be able to get their hands on the game. This is also the stage where player feedback can be gathered and used to improve the game.


After a game is released, the development team will usually move on to other projects. However, some games are supported with post-release content updates, which can include new levels, characters, items, and bug fixes. Games that receive post-release support may continue to be developed for years after their initial release.

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